So here we go.
I have visited Mr Kong's blog on several occasions, and each time it has not failed to shock, disgust and sicken me. Mr Kong's blog, his writings, are so full of raging, unapolagetic pro-communist political propaganda that it is an insult to the intelligence of all who read it. I find it shocking that such a left-wing nutcase who so clearly hates democracy and individual rights is able to churn out such nonsensical drivel, such disgusting misinformation, such piping hot horseshit, week after week, free to voice out his corrupt opinions and wipe his ass with the perlembagaan. Such a sickening specimen, he abuses the right of free speech by spitting on the democratic principles that allow him to express his disturbed viewpoints in the first place. This twisted little commie turd is so clearly using his writing, his cowardly veiled attacks on democracy and the social order in order to derail the progress of society, of mankind. We cannot allow this to happen.
We must not.
So now you may be thinking, Where exactly in his blog does he show support for communism? If you have read his blog, you may not have noticed some of the more subtle political propaganda he has chosen to mash into his words. You can't be blamed for this; after all, Mr Kong is a smart person, a devious little communist who knows just how to evade suspicion. Mr Kong disguises his message in his writings by choosing to write in a bizarre, fragmented jargonistic way, a method which, according to his self-praising blog descriptions, he calls "pop fiction". By doing this, he is able to communicate his hatred and disdain for freedom and democracy clearly and subtly while at the same time avoiding any suspicion of doing so. This is an enhancement of what is known as the "Magic Bullet" theory, in which direct messages can be sent directly to a person's subconscious, except in this case, it is undetectable to the person affected, silently influencing a person's mind, slowly molding and changing their thoughts until they eventually become, like a catterpillar undergoing metamorphosis, a raging, politically-distorted communist. Fortunately though, Mr Kong's cunning little tricks were not enough to fool me.
I will refer to one of many Chiayewnian blogs, and point out to those unaware the segments of deep communist propaganda existing within his seemingly innocent blog. Referring to his blog entry In Celebration of Mediocrity: Kong vs Cambridge published August 9, 2009, in which he discusses his Cambridge A Levels.
Last year my Cambridge A levels blogpost was entitled seeking mandate. This year, it's a different little bit.
Ah. A different little bit. Already the political distortion has been signalled.
When I awoke at 6 am, my heart was tarchychardic.
Here is an example of Mr Kong's use of language to mask his hidden intent. This appears to be an ordinary statement, but sharp-witted individuals would be able to catch the underlying meaning: tachycardic is a medical term signalling a fast, an advanced heart rate, which is a proper way to describe the rapid beating of the heart. However, what most people might not have been able to catch is that the actual spelling of the word is tachycardic, whereas in Mr Kong's post it is mispelled tarchychardic. And it is in this that Mr Kong has inserted his subtle but strong message: the misspelling of the heart condition is an obvious allusion to the Bleeding Heart of Communism, a term used to describe an undying loyalty to the ways of communism, which Mr Kong has subconsciously promoted to his readers.
A(AL)'s aren't that bigshot a thing A rough 10-20% gat straight As every year, necessitating the introduction of the grade A* from next year.
10-20% of 700,000 candidates spell out to 70,000-140,000 candidates getting straight As.
Now thats mediocrity.
As expected, Mr Kong has begun to attack and downplay personal achievement, in this case, academic success. By referring to the handful of successful individuals who are able to achieve a good grade for their exams as "mediocre", he is conveying the idea that even with personal and academic success, everybody is still mediocre, equal, never able to rise up from the "collective". This is his ideal world, his paradise, in which everybody is the same, unable to break free, to think and act as a whole. This is the very essence of communism. But why would he want that?
Something I will never dream of getting becos I am way too lazy and inept.
Ah. Here's the answer. Obviously to him, a world of equals means that he is still able to reap the benefits of society while remaining, in his own words, "lazy and inept". This is even more sickening. If Mr Kong was such an extreme, politically-slanted communist because of personal political convictions, then at least his propaganda-filled blog posts could be understood, if not condoned. But with this, he has clearly shown that the only reason he believes in communism is because he is just too lazy to do any work. This is socialism at its very worst. And finally:
The Chiayewnian Effect Council and the Most Peculiar Imaginary Advisory Council of Chiayewnian Doctors, on the advice of Kong Chia Yew, wishes to congratulate Kong Chia Yew for winning the case, in celebration of mediocrity.
The MPIACCD is having a tour of Jalan Tun Razak today, In Celebration of Mediocrity, where ChiaYew will ambik gambar...Attendees of the MPIACCD:1. Kong Chia YewLIST ENDS... :P
This says it all. A vehement, undying support for communism, an intense slant to the left, a hatred for all things democratic and free. This is why Mr Kong must be stopped. This is why we must stop him.
Mr Kong Chia Yew's blog is a menace to the public, to society. It is a blog which passionately supports the expansion of communism, and the abolishing of all things good and free. It is an insult to this country, and to all of its people. It is an insult to the ancestors who fought against the tyranny of communism, who fought for freedom in this country. It is an insult to anyone and everyone who sets their eyes on it. Therefore I ask, no I plea, join me in my fight, my crusade, against this blog, this perveyor of corrupt political ideas and values. Let us rid our society of this threat. For the good of the people. We must.
I have visited Mr Kong's blog on several occasions, and each time it has not failed to shock, disgust and sicken me. Mr Kong's blog, his writings, are so full of raging, unapolagetic pro-communist political propaganda that it is an insult to the intelligence of all who read it. I find it shocking that such a left-wing nutcase who so clearly hates democracy and individual rights is able to churn out such nonsensical drivel, such disgusting misinformation, such piping hot horseshit, week after week, free to voice out his corrupt opinions and wipe his ass with the perlembagaan. Such a sickening specimen, he abuses the right of free speech by spitting on the democratic principles that allow him to express his disturbed viewpoints in the first place. This twisted little commie turd is so clearly using his writing, his cowardly veiled attacks on democracy and the social order in order to derail the progress of society, of mankind. We cannot allow this to happen.
We must not.
So now you may be thinking, Where exactly in his blog does he show support for communism? If you have read his blog, you may not have noticed some of the more subtle political propaganda he has chosen to mash into his words. You can't be blamed for this; after all, Mr Kong is a smart person, a devious little communist who knows just how to evade suspicion. Mr Kong disguises his message in his writings by choosing to write in a bizarre, fragmented jargonistic way, a method which, according to his self-praising blog descriptions, he calls "pop fiction". By doing this, he is able to communicate his hatred and disdain for freedom and democracy clearly and subtly while at the same time avoiding any suspicion of doing so. This is an enhancement of what is known as the "Magic Bullet" theory, in which direct messages can be sent directly to a person's subconscious, except in this case, it is undetectable to the person affected, silently influencing a person's mind, slowly molding and changing their thoughts until they eventually become, like a catterpillar undergoing metamorphosis, a raging, politically-distorted communist. Fortunately though, Mr Kong's cunning little tricks were not enough to fool me.
I will refer to one of many Chiayewnian blogs, and point out to those unaware the segments of deep communist propaganda existing within his seemingly innocent blog. Referring to his blog entry In Celebration of Mediocrity: Kong vs Cambridge published August 9, 2009, in which he discusses his Cambridge A Levels.
Last year my Cambridge A levels blogpost was entitled seeking mandate. This year, it's a different little bit.
Ah. A different little bit. Already the political distortion has been signalled.
When I awoke at 6 am, my heart was tarchychardic.
Here is an example of Mr Kong's use of language to mask his hidden intent. This appears to be an ordinary statement, but sharp-witted individuals would be able to catch the underlying meaning: tachycardic is a medical term signalling a fast, an advanced heart rate, which is a proper way to describe the rapid beating of the heart. However, what most people might not have been able to catch is that the actual spelling of the word is tachycardic, whereas in Mr Kong's post it is mispelled tarchychardic. And it is in this that Mr Kong has inserted his subtle but strong message: the misspelling of the heart condition is an obvious allusion to the Bleeding Heart of Communism, a term used to describe an undying loyalty to the ways of communism, which Mr Kong has subconsciously promoted to his readers.
A(AL)'s aren't that bigshot a thing A rough 10-20% gat straight As every year, necessitating the introduction of the grade A* from next year.
10-20% of 700,000 candidates spell out to 70,000-140,000 candidates getting straight As.
Now thats mediocrity.
As expected, Mr Kong has begun to attack and downplay personal achievement, in this case, academic success. By referring to the handful of successful individuals who are able to achieve a good grade for their exams as "mediocre", he is conveying the idea that even with personal and academic success, everybody is still mediocre, equal, never able to rise up from the "collective". This is his ideal world, his paradise, in which everybody is the same, unable to break free, to think and act as a whole. This is the very essence of communism. But why would he want that?
Something I will never dream of getting becos I am way too lazy and inept.
Ah. Here's the answer. Obviously to him, a world of equals means that he is still able to reap the benefits of society while remaining, in his own words, "lazy and inept". This is even more sickening. If Mr Kong was such an extreme, politically-slanted communist because of personal political convictions, then at least his propaganda-filled blog posts could be understood, if not condoned. But with this, he has clearly shown that the only reason he believes in communism is because he is just too lazy to do any work. This is socialism at its very worst. And finally:
The Chiayewnian Effect Council and the Most Peculiar Imaginary Advisory Council of Chiayewnian Doctors, on the advice of Kong Chia Yew, wishes to congratulate Kong Chia Yew for winning the case, in celebration of mediocrity.
The MPIACCD is having a tour of Jalan Tun Razak today, In Celebration of Mediocrity, where ChiaYew will ambik gambar...Attendees of the MPIACCD:1. Kong Chia YewLIST ENDS... :P
This says it all. A vehement, undying support for communism, an intense slant to the left, a hatred for all things democratic and free. This is why Mr Kong must be stopped. This is why we must stop him.
Mr Kong Chia Yew's blog is a menace to the public, to society. It is a blog which passionately supports the expansion of communism, and the abolishing of all things good and free. It is an insult to this country, and to all of its people. It is an insult to the ancestors who fought against the tyranny of communism, who fought for freedom in this country. It is an insult to anyone and everyone who sets their eyes on it. Therefore I ask, no I plea, join me in my fight, my crusade, against this blog, this perveyor of corrupt political ideas and values. Let us rid our society of this threat. For the good of the people. We must.